If you are a single mother and want to go back to school, the high cost of education may make you rethink this decision. Although we are in a recession, university fees across the country continue to grow faster than the cost of living. Don’t let this hold you back from dreaming of a better job and a higher salary. You deserve the degree you want, and scholarships and grants can reduce the cost of getting them.
Just by writing “scholarships for single mothers” or “grants for single mothers,” you can get a lot of results for programs targeting women like you. You will even find message boards and community web pages where you can ask questions and get tips from other mothers in the same position. Take the time to apply for each scholarship and scholarship you can find for single mothers.
It may be a useful visit to the financial aid office of the school you wish to attend. There they will have resources to show you more scholarships and grants that you may not get on your own, including those offered directly by the school. Staff should be able to help you fill out the paperwork and answer specific questions you may have.
There are also many scholarships available. Be creative in your studies You can get scholarships just because you wear glasses or you are Native Americans, etc., your credit, income and grades in high school, as was the case several years ago, has nothing to do with applying for any Of which. You need to know what is unique in you and find a scholarship designed to reward you for it.